Mindcoord Inc. http://mindcoord.local The Digital Pioneers in Metaverse Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:42:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.6 http://mindcoord.local/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/cropped-MC3-e1621279540344-32x32.png Mindcoord Inc. http://mindcoord.local 32 32 The Engineering Secrets Behind Our WOLCANO Project. http://mindcoord.local/the-engineering-secrets-behind-our-wolcano-project/ http://mindcoord.local/the-engineering-secrets-behind-our-wolcano-project/#respond Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:42:32 +0000 http://mindcoord.local/?p=1612 Wolcano’s ONE Canvas Challenge is inspired by r/Place, a collaborative project and social experiment hosted on the social networking site Reddit that began on April Fools‘ Day in 2017. The experiment involved an online canvas located at a subreddit called r/place, which registered users could edit by changing the color of a single pixel from a 16-color palette. After each pixel was placed, a timer prevented the user from placing any pixels for a period varying from 5 to 20 minutes.

A lot of interesting things happened during the event. However, as our engineering team try to upgrade and reconstruct this idea since we need to catch more data and mined it as an NFT once it finished. There are a lot potential risk and new challenges, so how actually we can solve multi-person collaborative pixel painting structure?

Before designing this feature point, some technical points need to be overcome:

  • The system should support at least 100,000 online users
  • The drawing board is not less than 1000 x 2000 pixels
  • All clients must be synchronized with the same view of the current board status to ensure that users with different boards can collaborate
  • To ensure a sense of collective participation of users, the frequency of individual placement of pixels must be restricted
  • The system allocates resources according to the number of participants in the event, that is, it can be dynamically configured to prevent accidents in the event

Backend Development

To quickly respond to the verification of ideas and overcome technical points, the back-end borrows AWS API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamodb modules to quickly achieve development needs

Its simple structure is as follows

With the help of Amazon API Gateway (WebSocket API), a continuous link API can be built. When the user draws, the API Gateway transmits data to DynamoDB through the Lambda proxy. DynamoDB can create a “Trigger” to transmit data events to Lambda, and Lambda responds to data changes. By reading the user connect ID saved by DynamoDB, the modification is synchronized to all online users, and the synchronization function of all clients and the artboard state is realized.

What needs to be added here is the event-driven function of DynamoDB Streams. DynamoDB Stream is like the changelog of a DynamoDB table-every time an item is created, updated, or deleted, a record is written to the DynamoDB stream. This stream has two interesting functions. First, it is sorted by time, so older records appear before newer records. Second, it is persistent because it retains the changes made to the DynamoDB table in the past 24 hours. Compared to temporary publish-subscribe mechanisms such as SNS, this is a useful attribute because you can reprocess the most recent records.

When setting up DynamoDB streams, you need to set the stream view type. This specifies which data about the changed item will be included in each record in the stream. The stream view types are KEYS_ONLY, NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES, NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES, NEW_IMAGE, OLD_IMAGE. The real power of DynamoDB Streams is that you integrate them with Lambda. You can set up Streams to trigger a Lambda function, and then the function can operate on the records in the Stream.

The core logic of Lambda’s response to DynamoDB’s data flow is similar to the following example

import json
import boto3
import botocore

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    place_connection_table = "XXXXConnection"
    place_pixel_table = "XXXXX"
    dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
    connectionTable = dynamodb.Table(place_connection_table)
    resp = connectionTable.scan();
    api_client = boto3.client('apigatewaymanagementapi', endpoint_url = f"https://xxx.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/xxx")
        for record in event['Records']:
            if record['eventName'] == 'INSERT':
                handle_insert(record, api_client, resp["Items"])
            elif record['eventName'] == 'MODIFY':
                handle_modify(record, api_client, resp["Items"])
            elif record['eventName'] == 'REMOVE':
        return {'statusCode': 200}
    except Exception as e:
        return {'statusCode': 500}

def handle_insert(record, api_client, items):
    print("Handling INSERT Event")

    newImage = record['dynamodb']['NewImage']
    data = [{"color": newImage["color"]["S"], "location": newImage["location"]["S"]}]
    dataJson = json.dumps(data)
    for item in items:
        print("item", item)
            api_client.post_to_connection(Data = dataJson, ConnectionId = item["connectionId"])
        except Exception as e:
            print("excetion-insert", e)

def handle_modify(record, api_client, items):
    print("Handling MODIFY Event")
    newImage = record['dynamodb']['NewImage']
    data = [{"color": newImage["color"]["S"], "location": newImage["location"]["S"]}]
    dataJson = json.dumps(data)
    for item in items:
        print("item", item)
            api_client.post_to_connection(Data = dataJson, ConnectionId = item["connectionId"])
        except Exception as e:
            print("exception-modify", e)
def handle_remove(record):
    print("Handling REMOVE Event")

Worth mentioning that API Gateway has three Route Keys by default. $connect needs to save the user Connect Id in DynamoDB in the business logic, which is used to synchronize other people’s drawing data to all online users. The code example is as follows:

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    connection_id = event["requestContext"]["connectionId"]
    connection_time = event["requestContext"]["connectedAt"]
    place_connection_table = event['stageVariables']['place_connection']
    place_pixel_table = event['stageVariables']['place_pixel']
    dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
    connectionTable = dynamodb.Table(place_connection_table)
    record = {"connectionId": connection_id, "createTime": connection_time}
    connectionTable.put_item(Item = record)

And $disconnect will be called when the user leaves. To ensure the accuracy of online user data, it must be removed from DynamoDB here. The code example is as follows:

import json
import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    placeConnectionTable = event['stageVariables']['place_connection']
    connectionTable = boto3.resource("dynamodb").Table(placeConnectionTable)
    connectionTable.delete_item(Key = {"connectionId": connectionId})

    return {'statusCode': 200 }

In addition, if you want, you can also choose Firebase service. Its authentication and real-time database module can fully meet most of the back-end needs, even you hardly need to code, except that its services are unavailable in some areas and service fees are used.

Frontend Development

The front-end project of building multi-person collaborative pixel painting also overcomes some technical difficulties, including but not limited to mainstream platforms (desktop WEB, mobile WEB), user-friendly painting experience, and real-time update of the canvas status.

The front end uses tailwindcss to quickly build multi-terminal compatible pages, PixiJS to create animations or manage interactive images, TweenMax to build tweens, and WebSocket to respond to server-side data and update to the canvas.

First, through PixiJS, you need to create a canvas and draw a grid and register to listen for events. The core code is as follows:

 		var application = new PIXI.Application(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight - 60, { antialias: false, backgroundColor: 0xcccccc });
    container = new PIXI.Container();
    graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
    graphics.beginFill(0xffffff, 1);
    graphics.drawRect(0, 0, gridSize[0] * squareSize[0], gridSize[1] * squareSize[1]);
    graphics.interactive = true;
    graphics.on('pointerdown', onDown);
    graphics.on('pointermove', onMove);
    graphics.on('pointerup', onUp);
    graphics.on('pointerupoutside', onUp);
    graphics.position.x = -graphics.width / 2;
    graphics.position.y = -graphics.height / 2;
    gridLines = new PIXI.Graphics();
    gridLines.lineStyle(0.5, 0xeeeeee, 1);
    gridLines.alpha = 0;
    gridLines.position.x = graphics.position.x;
    gridLines.position.y = graphics.position.y;
    for (let i = 0; i <= gridSize[0]; i++) {
        drawLine(0, i * squareSize[0], gridSize[0] * squareSize[0], i * squareSize[0]);
    for (let j = 0; j <= gridSize[0]; j++) {
        drawLine(j * squareSize[1], 0, j * squareSize[1], gridSize[1] * squareSize[1]);
    window.onresize = onResize;

In order for users to better interact with the canvas, fine adjustments have been made in moving, zooming in and out, and using TweenMax to achieve operations that are more in line with daily interactions, a simple example is

TweenMax.to(container.scale, 0.1, { x: scale, y: scale, ease: Power3.easeOut });

WOLCANO encourages multi-person collaborative creation. For this reason, it will be judged whether it has passed the cool-down period before each painting, and the cool-down time will be updated for each operation.

getTimestamp().then(timestamp => {
            const data = {
                uid: uid,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                color: color,
                location: x + 'x' + y,
                token: token
            if(coolCount == 0){
                const params = { action: "drawRoute", "data": data};
                renderPixelData(x + 'x' + y, color);
        }).catch(error => {
            console.warn("error", error);

http://mindcoord.localHope it is helpful to understand the logic and structure behind our fun WOLCANO ONE Canvas Challenge, and MindCoord Engineering team will post more blogs on some interesting topics. Follow our Twitter if you want to know more!

And, yes! Go wolcano and have some fun!

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Artor Makes 30s AR video Creation Possible http://mindcoord.local/artor-30s-ar/ http://mindcoord.local/artor-30s-ar/#respond Thu, 05 Aug 2021 18:03:12 +0000 http://mindcoord.local/?p=1595 Do you remember the first time you were transported to a different world by a story? Till Now, creating or building a virtual space like in Ready-Player-One has always been a mission impossible for most of us.
The learning cost of producing 3D animation content is professional and expensive, requiring great computer configuration, as well as professional modeling and rendering skills.

What You Can Do Today

MindCoord team has developed a revolutionary new solution for capturing, sharing, and exploring virtual spaces from around the world.

Artor let you make one using your mobile phone in 30 seconds. We provide hundreds of 3D models, scenes, actions, music, and special effects in our 3D library. You can create a 3D scene from your iPhone or iPad, record the video, and share the video on social platforms.

This is the create page of Artor, which can be entered by clicking on the + icon in the center of the navigation bar. “My characters” let you identify and extract the person in a photo, converting into a paperman; “Motion”, on the other hand, poses estimation, which extracts the motions of a character in a video. You can try these two functions yourself, but today’s main point is “start creating”!

There are two modes in Create – AR, and 3D. The 3D creation mode is pretty much similar except in a virtual scene. After entering AR mode, you need to scan for the plane first. Next, you can click the object button in the lower-left corner to select a preferred 3D character model. “My characters” contains characters that you store in your collection, and “For you” contains characters recommended for you. Swipe down to load more interesting 3D avatars!

To add motion to this character, you can click on “Edit motion” button. After choosing motion, the characters can dance like the one in the gif below! You can click on blank space to remove the white frame on the character, and click on the character again to trigger the white frame. Select “Edit motion” replaces the new motion with the current motion. Clicking on the trash icon deletes the entire character with motion. You can drag the character by holding your finger inside the white frame, zoom in and out by placing your finger on the four white corners and rotate by placing your finger on the edge of the white frame except for the four white corners.

Apart from characters, you can also add tags, images, videos, 3d text, effects, and music into the scene. Each one can add multiple times and edited separately.

After you are satisfied with your scene you can start recording. The plane and white frame will automatically disappear and music will start right away once you start recording. You may pause and resume the recording and go into the scene and interact with avatars!

Where We’re Going: Editing Interactive Reality Together

Unlocking a new digital canvas for creativity and shared experiences

Our goal is to grow Artor into a destination where people can create, share and explore together in new, immersive, and interactive ways.

We believe the best way to achieve this is by releasing often and publicly, supporting our earliest creators, and constantly increasing access to creative tools only previously available to high-end gaming, graphics, and 3D professionals. In the coming months, you can expect to see regular updates along this path.

Artor is for those of us who see Metaverse in reality. If this sounds like something you’re interested in working on, shoot us a note! We’re working on some of the hardest challenges in computer vision, graphics, and multiplayer networking and are hiring actively.

http://mindcoord.local/artor-30s-ar/feed/ 0
Tips from MindCoord help you double your remote work efficiency http://mindcoord.local/tips-from-mindcoord-help-you-double-your-remote-work-efficiency/ http://mindcoord.local/tips-from-mindcoord-help-you-double-your-remote-work-efficiency/#respond Tue, 27 Jul 2021 21:57:14 +0000 http://mindcoord.local/?p=1577 Remote work provides people with a new way of working, especially for professionals with families, working from home(WFH) gives us more time with families. However, some professionals have struggled during the process of switching from a physical office to WFH.

“It’s all COVID’s fault, my work and life are in chaos.”

Probably you have complained a lot to your friends like this.

For individuals and companies, many companies are also facing the dilemma of having to change their management system due to COVID. How existing employees can adopt online management to replace offline traditional management is also a big problem that business owners have to think about.

MindCoord, as a company takes remote-working as part of our system since our inception. Maybe MindCoord’s remote working experience could help you.

1. Create a good office atmosphere

For people who are new to remote work, there is often a misunderstanding—”home does not need to have an office environment”. Regardless of whether it is for companies or individuals, carrying out work based on this concept will greatly hinder the interaction and execution efficiency of work.  Here, we have prepared three tips to help you better create a more comfortable office atmosphere at home.

1. Adjust your appearance

At MindCoord, we have basic requirements for the dress code of members in online meetings. We encourage wearing cloth that reflects individuality and conforms to the company’s culture. Employees are not allowed to wear clothing with revealing, discriminatory words or patterns. At the same time, no pajamas are allowed during working hours. Marketing and PR grounds have strict requirements on the makeup. The purpose of this is to help everyone who works at MindCoord get into working mode.

Wearing pajamas or plain makeup can make people feel at ease, but it’s also difficult to mobilize your enthusiasm at work because your body is instinctively accepting a more lazy state rather than being actively engaged in work (of course, some creative positions’ work may also have different inspirations in different states. The constraints of the appearance do not need to be obeyed invariably). The constraints of the appearance seem to have little to do with remote work, but doing this well will help you devote yourself to your daily work energetically.

2. Improve your inner state

Concentration is a huge challenge for everyone in the workplace. For some people who are easily distracted in the office, remote work has stricter demand for self-discipline ability.

MindCoord cares very much about the working status of every member and we are committed to creating a good and comfortable office atmosphere for everyone. We test and use a variety of tools within the company to promote everyone’s concentration level. Some tools we suggest include the following:

1. Kanban

The term Kanban comes from a Japanese company. It’s a tool designed to achieve just-in-time production. It helps a lot in planning work priorities and rationally arranging work schedules. At MindCoord, the use of tools is not mandatory, and there are no fixed software requirements. Many of MindCoorders not only put work tasks on the Kanban but also put some plans in their lives into the Kanban, it strictly manages their time and energy. With Kanban, you no longer face the trouble of “Which work should I do first” or “What should I do next?” Instead, you will have a more orderly pace of work and life.

2. Status text

The status text means to update your current status in time on the company’s internal communication software. You can update your status to “Powerful day” at the beginning of each day, and “Relax” at the end of the day. In the case of asking for leave, you can also update your status to “I’m not here” in time so that other colleagues can perceive your dynamics when interacting with you.

This may seem like a small procedure, but it is an important step to establish a sense of ritual. In addition to having a psychological suggestion to yourself, the words that you change every day can also have a positive psychological impact on other people who see this state. On the contrary, it should be noted that do not place negative content, so as not to have a negative emotional impact on other people.

3. Zen mode

The term Zen is a Buddhist term that refers to a monk who enters a state of meditation where he is fully engaged. When you need to concentrate your energy in a short period, you may wish to adjust your equipment or high-frequency communication tools to the non-disturb state. We are always easily distracted by some sudden information from the outside world or our fatigue, so mandatory isolation can effectively avoid our laziness and help us better concentrate.

MindCoord will combine the Zen mode and status text in daily work. When the colleague you need to call is in Zen mode, you can choose to leave a message to him/her to wait for a reply or delay the interaction according to the importance level of the task. If a very urgent event occurs, MindCoord equips with an emergency contact method in case of emergency, which can help quickly contact the senior person in charge of the corresponding work to deal with some high-priority emergencies.

4. Virtual office

Infrequently interactive departments, such as product and marketing departments, members will join the department’s dedicated virtual office during working hours. The virtual office makes the atmosphere of the online office closer to the offline real situation. At the same time, interactive games can also increase the fun of work.

3. Create an office area that suits you

Suitable working conditions are also an important way to improve work productivity. When preparing for your remote work, we strongly recommend you spend a little more time creating an exclusive office area for yourself and we have the following suggestions for you:

1. Separate office area from the living area

Although remote work saves time on your road to the office, it is not good to mix workspace with living areas. Appropriate physical isolation can help you change your mindset, and it can also give you a certain mental hint to work. At the same time, in the meeting scene, the independent office area can also well avoid the risk of your privacy disclosure.

2. Purchase a comfortable and ergonomic table and chair

When working remotely, the time you spend with the desk and chair may be longer than the time you spend lying in bed. So, don’t hesitate to buy a comfortable and ergonomic table and chair, which will not only make you feel more comfortable at work but also make your body healthier. Bad sitting posture is likely to cause discomfort on the joints or eyes, and then cause a series of adverse reactions to the body, and even irreversible injuries.

3. Ensure the continuity of your network

The Internet status is a big problem in remote work. For enterprises, when employees in each region communicate with each other, they use different network types that different services provide. As a result, some employees may experience serious out-of-synchronization when communicating. In addition to forcing the use of unified, globalized, and efficient communication software at the company level, as a remote worker, you should also ensure that your network is high-speed and smooth.

MindCoord will advise every MindCoorder to prepare a list of temporary solutions to remind you of any solutions you can refer to when you encounter emergencies at work. In the list, you can add a temporary office location that you can choose when the network is interrupted so that you can spend the least time to overcome this problem when the network is not smooth, and then continue today’s work tasks.

4. Headphones are essential

Wearing a headphone to participate in a meeting is what MindCoord will emphasize on the first day of induction training. The loud sound is not conducive to free communication during the meeting, so a headphone with good sound reception is essential.

Regarding the choice of headphones, MindCoord also has a lot of interesting discussions inside. Engineers often wear headphones and mute to ensure concentration, so they are very concerned about the sound insulation effect of the headphones. MindCoorders with high creation demand like to use some strong melodic music to stimulate their creative inspiration, so they care more about some subtle parameters of the headphone. If you have different listening habits, you can also ask other people in the company about what kind of headphone is best for you!

5. A good camera

It is another meeting requirement of MindCoord to show your face to attend the meeting. A good camera can better present your expressions and demeanor so that your images can be better presented. The blurry image will make other participants feel uncomfortable and will reduce your participation experience.

6. Use an eye-friendly screen

Preventing visual fatigue is very important. In addition to the damage to your eyes, eye fatigue will also cause you to resist work instinctively, and indirectly lead to a tired work mentality. The screen that is not friendly to the eyes affects your concentration and hurts your body. So choosing a good screen has a huge impact on your work.

4. Other important issues

After doing a series of preparations, you can officially start your remote work. However, in addition to a good office atmosphere, some other issues are easily overlooked. These problems do not often appear in offline workspaces, so we put them forward to help you better solve these problems.

1. Appropriately increase informal communication between you and your colleagues

Remote work physically blocks the social connections of some people. This may be happy for some people, but more people may feel pain because they are cut off in contact with people around them. No matter who it is, we suggest you add some informal conversation topics to your daily communication.

MindCoord will hold regular mandatory informal meetings to promote mutual understanding and exchange interesting experiences. As a team whose members are mainly young people, we can talk about everything from pop culture to pet life. As long as you are willing to share, you can always find people with the same hobbies as you and enjoy the fun of the same hobbies together happily.

2. There must be an expectation of spending more time on learning

Starting your remote work rashly will cause a lot of discomfort, which will also be mixed with a lot of anxiety and disappointment. Don’t worry, all of these are normal. To avoid these negative attitudes, the best way is to have expectations in advance. Remote work inevitably requires everyone involved to learn more software skills and greatly improve their ability to solve problems independently. “Things that make you grow up don’t make you feel too happy.” When encountering resistance, please think about these words and give yourself more patience and perseverance. All the things can be done by just starting to do it and sticking to it. Done is better than perfect. Therefore, by establishing the expectation that “I will spend more learning costs” in advance, you can appropriately alleviate your anxiety.

3. Learn to enjoy your life

For people who are too engaged in work, remote work is a kind of “gentle trap” that drags you into a long work without knowing it. This is very dangerous behavior because, without offline social interaction, long-term self-isolation will lead to isolation from society and cause extremely bad physical and mental effects. Giving yourself a fixed time to go out and relax every week, and increasing the opportunities for offline communication with your friends can help you get out of such “traps.” Another very good way is to do some physical exercises. Moving your body can not only bring you health but also improve your mental state and improve the quality of your work.

MindCoord will hold sports sharing sessions from time to time, and organize team members from the same area to go out for mountain climbing, camping, and other activities. It not only enhances communication but also enhances physical fitness. This type of activity is deeply loved by MindCoorders.

WLB (work-life balance) is an excellent state often mentioned by people in the workplace and wants to pursue. Remote work has given many people the opportunity to realize WLB, but it has also destroyed many people’s original WLB. We hope our experience can inspire people inside and outside MindCoord so that every remote office worker can successfully start their new journey.

(If you want to know more about MindCoord or join us, please visit: http://mindcoord.local)

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Welcoming WOLCANO to MindCoord, Let’s Break the World Record 🥳🎉 http://mindcoord.local/welcoming-wolcano-to-mindcoord-lets-break-the-world-record-%f0%9f%a5%b3%f0%9f%8e%89/ http://mindcoord.local/welcoming-wolcano-to-mindcoord-lets-break-the-world-record-%f0%9f%a5%b3%f0%9f%8e%89/#respond Mon, 19 Jul 2021 15:52:46 +0000 http://mindcoord.local/?p=1560 For many of our digital artists have always dreamed to have a traceable system to protect their work. Licensing intellectual property rights can be a complicated business for both creators and platforms. From the advent of the internet, digital commodities and technologies have ceaselessly presented new hurdles for intellectual property (IP) owners and protectors. The cycle of copyright law trying, and generally failing, to adapt and keep pace with emerging technology has meant copyright stakeholders have been always at a disadvantage because legal enforcement lagged so far behind innovative infringement. But during a year in which vast swaths of life moved online, the technology has forged and driven to prominence a powerful new tool for protecting copyright owners’ unique assets: the non-fungible token (NFT).

We believe NFT is the powerful solution to digital copyrights and metaverse collaboration work tracing.

MindCoord takes this as a chance to show the world the potential of NFT and digital collaboration in digital art. Today, we are honored to announce our NFT focused project: WOLCANO.

What is WOLCANO? Sounds like volcano right?

Wolcano is a project focusing on exploring the possibilities of NFT and digital art. We will keep launching fun stuff to let you experience the NFT based activities.

As the first, We’re excited to announce that our collaborative project entitled “ONE crypto ART challenge”!

NFT world record challenge- massive collaborative project

ONE Cryptart aims to challenge the largest number of participants in the world for a single digital art.

Our goal

WOLCANO targets to gather participants all over the world to place colored pixels on a 2000×1000 blank canvas to complete this single masterpiece.

Our GOAL is to break the Guinness World Record, gathering 100k participants.

Features of this project

  • Break the Guinness World Record! Challenge the largest number of participants in the world for a single digital art.
  • You can collaborate with people all over the world and break the limitations of time and space.
  • You can strengthen your ties with the communities you are interested in.

What are some rules?

– Up to 6 pixels can be placed in 30 seconds

– Others’ pixels can be covered

– yeah, that’s it. Simple

Challenge Certificate

It should also be noted that each participant represents their own country and will receive unique challenge proof with name and challenger number on it.

Let’s become part of digital art and metaverse history!

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Play, Learn & Work remotely – Grow with MindCoord http://mindcoord.local/play-learn-work-remotely-grow-with-mindcoord/ http://mindcoord.local/play-learn-work-remotely-grow-with-mindcoord/#respond Fri, 14 May 2021 20:51:58 +0000 http://mindcoord.local/?p=1402 Learn how Mindcoord team members work, learn and play remotely. Find out how Mindcoord is able to grow its team to have members from around the world working to solve challenging problems together.

From its foundation in 2019, MindCoord has maintained an all-remote staff that now spread across over 3 countries. The “mind” way of working uses tools that let us work on ongoing projects wherever we are in the world and at our preferred time. The idea is that because it’s always “9 to 5” somewhere on the planet, work can continue around the clock, increasing aggregate productivity. That sounds good, but a workforce staggered in both time and space presents unique coordination challenges with wide-ranging organizational implications.

For this kind of complex work, co-location with ongoing communication is often a better approach because it offers two virtues: synchronicity and media richness. The time lag in the interaction between two or more individuals is almost zero when they are co-located, and, although the content of the conversation may be the same in both face-to-face and in virtual environments, the technology may not be fully able to convey soft social and background contextual cues — how easy is it to sense other people’s reactions in a group meeting?

At the heart of the engineering work that drives MindCoord’s product development is the “coordination” workflow process. In this process, a programmer making a contribution to a code “forks” (copies) the code, so that it is not blocked to other users, works on it, and then makes a “merge request” to have the edited version replace the original, and this new version becomes available for other contributions. The process combines the possibility of distributed asynchronous work with a structure that checks for potential coordination failures and ensures clarity on decision rights. Completely electronic (which makes remote work feasible) and fully documented.

Software development system is not enough to drive MindCoord forward as a team. We also invented another system called “mind board” which is inspired by Toyota engineer’s Kanban. Every team member would keep their work updated on the electric board, every task is created and tracked based on the local time. Team members in different countries could have a clear understanding of the project progress and good track about colleague’s work. MindCoord’s high degree of reliance on asynchronous working is made possible by respecting the following three rules right down to the task level:

  1. Separate responsibility for doing the task from the responsibility for declaring it done.

At MindCoord, every task is expected to have a Directly Responsible Individual (DRI), who is responsible for the completion of the task and has freedom in how it should be performed. The DRI, however, does not get to decide whether the task has been completed. That function is the responsibility of a “Maintainer,” who has the authority to accept or reject the DRI’s merge requests. Clarity on these roles for every task helps reduce confusions and delays and enables multiple DRIs to work in parallel.

  1. Respect the “minimum viable change” principle.

We believe the value of knowing what the other is doing as soon as possible is greater than getting the perfect product. That is how the “mind board” works. Different times and locations never stop us from working like face to face. It helps prevent two individuals may be working in parallel on the same problem, making one of their efforts redundant, or one person may be making changes that that are incompatible with the efforts of another.

  1. Always communicate publicly.

As MindCoord team members are prone to say, “we do not send an internal email here.” Instead, we post all questions and share all information on the channels, and later the team leaders decide what information needs to be permanently visible to others during the meeting.

MindCoord developed a communication software, one Kanban system, three company cloud-drive and of course, our entertainment system. Every weekend will be our remote gaming time. We take the entertainment time as another key to our remote working system, it helps the team members bonded and share our life thoughts constantly. We are all around the world, but we work together every day, share our life, every day.

(It is dawn by our chief engineer, can you guess what it is? (- -)

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AR is big — 5G + MindCoord will make it huge http://mindcoord.local/auto-draft/ http://mindcoord.local/auto-draft/#respond Fri, 14 May 2021 19:54:40 +0000 http://mindcoord.local/?p=1393

In the last five years, we saw virtual reality and augmented reality appeared on the scene. While both have found loyal users, widespread adoption is just beginning. On mobile devices, 5G is set to bring faster speeds, hyper-capacity, new viewing experiences like 8K resolution streaming, and 360-degree video — which is important for the development of mixed reality. This will change the way that people use their devices every day. Games will become more dynamic, with real-time multiplayer games through augmented reality. Watching experiences will become more vivid through 8K resolution and virtual reality.

However, creating AR and VR experiences does not come without technical challenges. Combining and synchronizing the real world and the motions of the user with a digital world requires a massive amount of computation. MindCoord develops a revolutionary mobile-based 3D engine, integrating IK algorithm, pose estimation system and auto rendering functions. Release the full computation power of mobile devices. Meanwhile, graphics rendering on the edge cloud augment latency-sensitive on-device head tracking, controller tracking, hand tracking, and motion tracking to photon processing. This concept is called split rendering.  With a fast and reliable 5G connection. MindCoord will deliver the ultimate experience to the user.

Today, the MindCoord’s mobile-based application, PortalHiker is available on both iOS and Android. We are bringing cutting edge technology to our customers.

MindCoord 3D system + 5G networks and their highly capable radio network infrastructure. We are ready to deliver the AR and VR experience wirelessly across industries.

http://mindcoord.local/auto-draft/feed/ 0
Mindcoord Joins the MassChallenge Accelerator Program! http://mindcoord.local/mindcoord-joins-the-masschallenge-accelerator-program/ Fri, 14 May 2021 19:28:46 +0000 http://mindcoord.local/?p=1379

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re joining MassChallenge Rhode Island Accelerator this summer. At MassChallenge, we’ll receive practical training, mentorship with experts, as well as access to a network of opportunities.⁣⁣⁣⁣

After going through the registration process since March 2020, 30 companies were invited to participate in the 2020 MassChallenge Rhode Island program.

In this program, selected startups will have access to practical training through bootcamps to learn how to scale up our businesses and address key business challenges. We’ll also get mentored directly by experts from MassChallenge network. This year, MassChallenge set out to meet top startups around the globeas for this year’s program. Since March, the program’s world-class network of investors, serial entrepreneurs, corporate executives, academics, and more have evaluated the Rhode Island applicants based on each startup’s ability to demonstrate high impact and high potential in their fields.

As a 3D and AR platform, this opportunity is surely perfect for us to learn and develop the business further with a data-driven approach and achieve consistent growth of our company and our user base.
